Saturday, January 22, 2011

Beginning of my Journey

Two weeks ago I applied for a job as a Brand Ambassador for a company called Marketing Werks based out of Chicago. It has been a crazy few weeks but I got the job, moved everything home from Orlando, packed my life into a suitcase and now I am off for a year full of travels.

I am going to be a Brand Ambassador for Verizon Wireless and I am now a member of the VzW Rule the Map Tour. I am in the South Region (I do not know yet if its southwest or southeast ... will keep you posted) where I will be promoting and marketing Verizon at big events such as ....sporting events, concerts, fairs, campuses etc. It is 100% travel for 49 weeks with 2 partners and our trailer : ) I can't wait to begin this journey and now you can all follow along. I am going to try really hard to keep everyone updated on where I am by blogging about my many adventures so def keep checking in!!

I leave for Chicago tomorrow, wish me luck!

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